Reports tailored to you
At SLT UK, our team of specialist speech and language therapists will provide a written report following your speech and language therapy sessions. The type of report written will depend on the requirements of the individual and the specific difficulties they are experiencing.
Speech and language therapy reports may include:
- Initial assessment
- Reviews
- Discharge reports
- Medico legal reports
- Mental capacity reports
- Best interest reports
Why would I need a speech and language therapy report?
A speech and language therapy report for eating, drinking and swallowing difficulties may be provided to:
Provide written information following a speech and language therapy assessment to inform the specific eating, drinking and swallowing difficulties identified.
Detail the course of speech and language therapy intervention the individual has experienced.
Provide information about the treatment options that have been recommended to the individual.
What would the speech and language therapy report include?
The purpose of a speech and language therapy report is to provide written information about the assessments that have been undertaken, future assessments required, whether a diagnosis has been identified and the individual's strengths and difficulties identified, the best possible speech and language therapy recommendations and the individual goals that have been established.
The amount of information provided in the speech and language therapy report depends on the complexity of the eating, drinking and swallowing disorders and what has been agreed to be required with the individual.
If you feel you may benefit from speech and language therapy or would like any more information on our services please email or call 0330 088 5643.