How can AAC help you?
Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) is a term used to describe different forms of communication other than speech. AAC can help to support the communication of individuals who are unable to speak or those with limited communication.
What will AAC at SLT UK involve?
The speech and language therapist will carry out an initial assessment to help determine if an individual will benefit from the use of AAC and what type of AAC they will benefit from.
The speech and language therapist will work with the individual, the individual’s parents or carers and other professionals involved in their care. The speech and language therapist will train the individual and those involved in their care on how to use the chosen form of AAC.
What types of AAC are available?
- There are many different types of Augmentative and Alternative Communication, these can include:
- Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS)
- Signing
- Communication books / charts
- Alphabet charts
- Hi-tech communication aids e.g. electronic voice devices and computers
- Symbol systems
Who can benefit from using AAC?
Individuals of all ages and abilities can benefit from the use of AAC. The individual’s parents or carers, also anyone wishing to communicate with the individual, will benefit from AAC.
If you feel you may benefit from speech and language therapy or would like any more information on our services please email or call 0330 088 5643.