What is augmentative and alternative communication (AAC)?
Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) is any form of communication used other than speech. For individuals who have no speech at all or very limited speech, our speech and language therapists will educate and train the individual, their parents, carers and other professionals in using AAC.
Augmentative and Alternative Communication is any form of communication used by an individual as an alternative or supplement for speech.
There are many types of AAC which can be used for individuals with communication problems.
No-tech communication aids
No-tech communication uses only the body to communicate. No-tech communication can include gesture, facial expression and sign language.
Low-tech communication aids
Low-tech communication aids use low technology aids as a form of communication. Types of low-tech communication aids include pen and paper (writing or drawing), alphabet charts, symbols and pictures.
Hi-tech communication aids
Hi-tech communication involves any form of electronic communication aids. Types of hi-tech communication aids include, voice synthesizers and computer aids with keyboard, pictures or symbols.
The type of AAC used by the individual will depend on a number of factors, including the individual’s preferred method of communication, the severity of their communication difficulty, their overall ability and underlying condition.
What are the benefits of AAC?
Augmentative and Alternative Communication can help any individual who has a communication difficulty. AAC can help adults with many different conditions including, neurological problems, hearing loss, physical and learning disabilities and autism spectrum disorders.
There are many benefits of AAC. The main benefit is helping the individual to communicate as effectively as possible. AAC will also help others to communicate more effectively with the individual. Other benefits of AAC include improved functional communication, social benefits, benefits for those around the individual with communication difficulties and improved quality of life.
Augmentative and Alternative Communication is any form of communication other than speech. Augmentative and Alternative Communication is used with individuals who have no speech or have very limited use of speech. Augmentative and Alternative Communication can be used with both adults and children with a variety of conditions and problems. The speech and language therapist will train and support individuals, their parents or carers and other professionals on how to use AAC in order to create an effective communication environment.
If you feel you may benefit from speech and language therapy or would like any more information on our services please email office@slt.co.uk or call 0330 088 5643.