Training for other professionals

Training suited to you

Our speech and language therapists provide a specialised training service for other professionals involved in the care of individuals with speech, language, communication or eating and drinking difficulties. Training can be provided to nurses, carers, support staff and other allied healthcare staff.

What type of training do SLT UK provide for other professionals?

Speech and language therapy training can involve any aspect of speech, language, communication or eating and drinking. The types of training our speech and language therapists provide will vary depending on the specific needs and requirements of the professional service. Common types of training offered to other professionals include:

Training regarding communication and creating an effective communication environment.

Education and awareness of eating, drinking and swallowing difficulties and signs of aspiration.

Education and awareness on communication difficulties and specific conditions or disorders.

Our training packages offer education and skills to professionals regarding aspects of speech, language, communication or eating and drinking. We aim to improve the professional’s knowledge, understanding and skills regarding communication and eating and drinking in order to create an effective outcome for all involved.

What will training involve for other professionals?

The location, content and length of time of each training package will vary depending on the specific needs of the professionals. We will tailor our training packages to the specific needs and requirements of the professionals.

Our speech and language therapists will provide a practical and interactive training service to meet the needs of the professionals. We will provide them with knowledge, skills and ideas for them to create a more effective communication or eating and drinking environment for their service.

If you feel you may benefit from speech and language therapy or would like any more information on our services please email or call 0330 088 5643.

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All our therapists are members of Giving Voice.

Our therapists are members of the Royal College of Speech & Language Therapists.

All our therapists are registered with The Health and Care Professions Council.

All our therapists have DBS clearance

We strive to exceed the expectations of each patient we work with.

Do you need more information?

If you need any more information on the services we offer or the conditions we are able to help, do not hesistate to contact us.


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